Lifestyle Living in North Holland

In Amsterdam for Christmas

While the Netherlands is well known for celebrating Sinterklaas in early December, they do also celebrate Christmas. Lights hung from every lamppost and ran up and down the main street for miles. The displays in the larger department stores were fantastic and marvelous to see. In Amsterdam, Christmas is a fantastic time for tourists. The entire city is alight and magic hovers everywhere!

The streets were busy, as usual. This is common for Amsterdam any time of the year. We tend to avoid large crowds of both residents and tourists by taking the side streets. But that doesn’t mean you’ll miss out on seeing the decorations. Inside the Amsterdam train station, lights adorned every archway! The holidays always feel more magical with sparkling lights.

We also took note that there were dozens of tourist groups walking up and down the canals. We saw more groups on that one Sunday then we had seen all year round! Many of them were in English and are perfect for people who want to see the best of the best. An Amsterdam Christmas can be what you might be looking for in terms of a memorable holiday.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday season! We will be traveling south to visit Sander’s brother for Christmas and I can’t wait to share my experience in Limburg.

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