Lifestyle Personal

Our 2019 Holiday Plans

December is now in full swing and we’ve got a busy month ahead of us! I’ve never been much of a holidays person but that doesn’t mean I’m a Grinch! We’ve got our share of busy things to do this month. Not only for Christmas but for the New Year as well! 2020 is just around the corner but I can tell you right now that I’m not ready! 2019 was full of life changing moments and it will hard to say goodbye. So here are our Holiday Plans!

Tomorrow we’re heading down to see Sander’s parents. We’re celebrating his mom’s and brother’s birthdays. Needless to say there’s going to be a lot of gift giving and eating this season. Not that I mind of course, because delicious food is always encouraged!

Indulging in Everything
From rich meats to tasty treats, Sander and I want to have a bit of everything. I love the holidays for the delicious meals and I’m already thinking of what to do this Christmas. Our holiday plans are interesting though because the Dutch have two days of Christmas. We’ve got both the 25th and the 26th. I believe we’re seeing Sander’s parents on the 25th so that leaves the 2nd day of Christmas open to suggestions.

I’d love to get a another small helping of turkey in but I’m not sure if it’s too late to order it. Turkey isn’t often enjoyed in The Netherlands so we need to place a special order for it. Let me tell you, it’s worth it! We also have traditional sweets and I’m going to start preparing for my birthday. I’d like to bake a delicious Red Velvet cake so I have to see what my options are!

Which leads me to my next point…

Oh boy! I love going to Amsterdam! I get to have a tasty of the wild city that is Amsterdam. It’s got exotic foods, fun stores to shop and the atmosphere that inhabits all large cities. My town is small, quaint, quiet so the loudness of Amsterdam is a welcome wakeup. I’ve written a few times about our trips to the downtown area and we’re going to make a full around of our favorite stores. I love when going to Amsterdam is a huge part of our holiday plans! It’s always a great day away from home.

Pokémon Days
There’s an event this weekend and next weekend for Pokémon Go. Sander and I are still playing Pokémon Sword and Shield everyday so it feels like everyday is a Pokémon day! Don’t forget all the special Pokémon that come for the holidays. I think the most popular is Pikachu with a Santa hat.

Getting ready for 2020
I’ve had a few friends ask about my Bullet Journal process. It’s nothing special but I enjoy watching others plan their spreads. It’s inspired me to dabble a bit into making videos about it. They won’t be anything special and there are millions of other journal accounts out there but I enjoy the creative process and would like to give it a go!

On top of that I need to clean out the whole house and make it ready for the new year! This seems to be an Asian thing though. My family did it and a lot of my Asian friends can verify! It always makes me laugh too. It does feel damn good to have a super clean house on New Years Eve.

We’ve got a lot to do and I hope I can share more details about everything! Whew, I’m already feeling tired just from typing this all out. Just a few more weeks and 2020 will be here!


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