
Halloween 2019

Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year but this year I haven’t felt a lot of spirit. I can’t pinpoint what it is though. I had a ton of plans to fix up a special dinner, bake tons of treats but I ended up not doing anything. Maybe it was because I was sick for a while and just too tired to make anything. Either way this year was laid back and not what I was expecting.

So instead of pouting about it, we made the most of our evening! It was simple but I’d still like to share what we did.

Good eats
It’s been forever since I’ve had some delicious and sinful pizza so guess what we had? Pizza! We also found some more Halloween candy and even a tart. The tart was sponge cake with little chocolate bats and orange shavings. Needless to say, it was delicious! It feels so good to have a nice treat once in a while. And because I didn’t feel like baking this year, we don’t have leftovers that we’re scrambling to finish.

Movies galore
Nothing beats getting cozy and watching movies by candlelight. This year we’ve had some of my favorites like Hocus Pocus, Ghostbusters and Monster House. I love just cuddling up and having a fun evening where the entertainment is seasonal. I don’t watch scary movies any other time during the year so Halloween scary movies are such a treat!

Tucked in, nice and cozy
After we had finish our movies, we took a nice long walk with the dogs in the chilly autumn air. It’s been getting old again here so it feels like autumn. In California it would stay summer hot until late November. I love seeing the seasons change… There’s something romantic about it but I can’t explain what. Either way I’m going to hope we get a little snow this year. We didn’t get much in 2019 so I hope that 2020 is going to be the winner! After our walk, we took hot showers and snuggled into bed with the dogs. There’s no better way to end the evening than to be comfortable, warm and happy!

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