
World Gratitude Day

There are times in life when we forget that we should be grateful for the small things. The ability to wake up in the morning and the chance to eat when we want to. The way society views life can warp how we see our own. We want to own the best things and earn the most money. Not everyone gets the chance to live well and drink clean water. So it’s important to take time to think about what we can be grateful for. September 21st is World Gratitude Day and we should all take the time to think about what we’re grateful for.

So here’s my list:

  • I can wake up in the morning at any time
  • There is clean water to drink
  • I can walk my dogs outside without fear
  • There is more food than I’ll ever need
  • I have someone in my life that loves me very much
  • We live in a beautiful home and a wonderful neighborhood
  • I have a supportive family (and in-laws) who care for me
  • There is access to medical facilities if I need them
  • I can read, write, and have unlimited access to technology
  • I’m free to pursue my interests without judgement
  • I can have friends from all over the world and I can keep in contact with my friends back home
  • I can breathe clean air and bathe in clean water
  • My community is open minded and my body is mine and my choices are my own

Often there are times when we forget the small things. I love days like World Gratitude Day when I can be constantly reminded of all the privileges I have in my life. There are always days where I feel like my life could be so much better. But in truth I already have it better than others my age. In fact I’m so lucky that I can be 31 years old. World Gratitude Day should be a single day where you can focus on what you love in your life. For once, don’t think about what you wish you had. Be grateful for what you have now!

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