
5 Things to do in 2019

The New Year can signify a change in pace. It’s the best time to start new habits and create a better life. But we should be realistic about the changes we want to make. Think about all the New Year’s resolutions you’ve made but were unable to keep. It’s important to realize that being human comes with making mistakes. There are some challenges that need hard work and discipline to get into. The best way is to start small and work your way up. Succeeding at small challenges provides you with the confidence to tackle larger projects.

Listen to a Podcast
I’ve been in a reading slump for a few months and I’ve finally broken out of it. But in the down time I still wanted to learn and grow. Instead of forcing myself to read and hate it, I decided to invest in Podcasts. It’s like listening to a subscribable radio talk show. They cover all sorts of topics depending on your Podcast of choice. There are ones for financial help or relationship questions. There are comedy Podcasts and ones that focus on politics or religion. The one that I’ve marathoned lately is LORE. It takes real world history and shares how it inspired the supernatural world. Take Dracula, for example. There are tons of stories from history that lend their voices to the creation of the vampire.

Take a break from Social Media
I got a head start on that this year by deleting my Facebook App from my phone. I would spend at least 30 minutes each morning looking at what my friends were doing. Think of all the things I could have done instead! Now I have those 30 minutes free. I hug my dogs and tell them how much I appreciate them. My mornings have become quiet and relaxed. There are more Apps that need deleting but hey, one step at a time right?

Eat new things
This year I stepped out of my comfort zone when it came to cooking. You should do the same. I’ve never been so excited to throw together ingredients to see what they taste like. The most recent thing I made was a delicious Jalapeño and Cheddar bread (post coming soon!). The entire time I kept telling myself “This is going to turn out so badly!” And guess what? I can’t wait to make it again!

Start something new
You guys remember when I put together a mini bullet journal. I bit the bullet and invested in a full size one! While my life isn’t full of busy days, there are a few areas I want to improve. My organization is miserable and I always forget to do things. Starting a bullet journal to help keep me organized sounded like a great place to start. I have a list of things I want to learn and do in 2019 and I hope bullet journaling can help keep me on track! Think of something you’ve always wanted to do and tackle it in 2019. Don’t put it off until later! Take charge now and get going!

Do things that make you feel good about yourself
Think about what makes you feel confident about yourself. Doing something that makes you feel great can be as simple as sitting down for morning coffee (or tea!) without looking at your phone or the news. Take the moment to reflect on who you are and what you want to change. If you’re doing something that makes you sad, change it! For me I used to wake up and dread the day. Because I woke up with a negative attitude the entire day would feel like crap. Now I get up in the morning and I’m ready to embrace the day. Each day has so much potential and there’s so much to learn.


There’s a lot to do in 2019. It’s a new year and a fresh start. Face it head on and roll with the punches! We only have one life to lead and it makes no sense to not do what we love.

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