
The joy in recording for Youtube

I’ve been make less posts lately because I’ve been spending more time on Youtube. Now I love this space and all the joy it brings me but it’s been hard for me to find interesting things to write about. I have a few ideas for October but September has been slow. We’re still indoors, we’re still worried about the future… And I’ve thrown myself hardcore into recording to distract myself. When I told Sander I didn’t know what to write about, he said why not why you enjoy recording for Youtube? And I said, sure, why not?

Playing games with purpose
I love playing video games but felt guilty about doing it. I’ve spent a majority of the year drawing and finding other ways of being productive. But there’s only so far self indulgence can go. I get so much joy when I write and get reader responses. The same goes for my channel. It’s been a slow slog through the mud since Youtube is so saturated, but it gives me a sense of purpose. I love planning out the videos for the week and follow through from beginning to end. This space has grown so much and still has a long way to go…

But in the end it’s still a non profitable space for me. I figure if I keep working at recording videos and playing games, maybe someday I can make some revenue from it. And I’m not doing it for the money. If I was, I would get a steady job. I just want to learn and grow as a person, and even possibly make new friends along the way.

Learning new things
I don’t want to stop learning new things but there was a hole in drawing. Drawing takes years of time, effort, and hard work. It’s going to take years before I see improvement and some days I feel helpless to my own inabilities. With recording, it’s all technical. If I don’t know something, I can just look it up. I went to school for these sorts of things and it feels good to revisit those skills. I missed them! They say you never stop learning and I wholeheartedly agree.

Now this isn’t a plug for my channel, because it’s so small right now and it’s a personal project. But I just wanted to put these words out into the universe. I haven’t forgotten about this blog but there’s not much for me to write about. So instead of sitting around all day, I’ve put my energies into something else. If you’re curious about it you can check it out from the link in the sidebar. And until next post, I hope you guys are staying safe!


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